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Photographs & Document Scanning


Document Scanning up to A4 size. Various size of documents can be scanned to PDF with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) if required in monochrome or colour.

Each scan is 2p per side in monochrome or colour. Each document is saved with a unique file name on a CD or Memory Stick



High resolution images can be scanned from negatives or photograph, to format that suits you, or to a slide show. This enables you to view on your PC/MAC or TV.

Clean up service is available at additional cost, to remove scratches and blemishes. Old photo images, torn or creased, can be restored to their original state and reprinted, just like when it was first developed.

Scan 25p each

Scan and clean 65p each

Photo restore and print £20 each

£15 for photo on Lithophane

Costs and arrangements can be made for larger consignments of scanning

Lithophane is a plastic 3D image printed in monochrome colour, when light is projected from behind, the image emerges from the Lithophane

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